From the entire Take Part team, we want to say THANK YOU and welcome to the family. We consider you part of our “extended family” now 🙂 You are a community impactor. You see the possibility to do good and you take part in it because that’s who you are. And who you are is who we love. We are incredibly humbled that you are using your impact and influence to help kids like our Nat G (and millions more) see new possibilities in the fight for their lives.
So, we need you…in a BIG way. On June 3rd, we want to create a social push that makes major motion and we need you to be the first domino in your line! Our goal is to get over 8,000 people to give $6.03 on June 3rd in order to raise over $50K to help fund research for rare pediatric diseases. It all starts with your domino, though.
Your first question might be…why June 3rd? This actually happens to be National Donut Day! If you have followed Take Part any amount of time, you know that we have put together an annual Donut Run in September. We thought it would be fitting to ask you to do this with us on June 3rd – National Donut Day – in preparation for our Annual Donut Run in September!
Your second question might be…so what do I actually do? All we are going to ask is for you to make a post or two on your social media channel of choice leading up to the event and then make a post the day of the event as well. We will supply any graphics, post content, tags, caption, etc., but we also know many of you are passionate about helping and may want to write your own as well. We welcome that. You are not obligated to use our text at all. We encourage you to share your personal testimony as to why you feel compelled to participate. Whether it be that you know someone with a rare disease and you’re tired of “We don’t have answers” as an answer, or it be that you just want to help fight for possible!
However, we do ask that you include a link to the page where people can pledge to join us on your posts prior to the event and then a link to the giving page on your post the day of the event.
Again, thank you for being an extension of our family and helping us Take Part in fighting for possible for millions of kiddos with rare diseases!
Look out for our email coming NEXT WEEK with all the social content you’ll need to make your initial pre-event post(s). If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!